Online testing

To run the SAA test online, you will need your own domain name.

You can use our scripts which setup an Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 instance, with everything required for you:

  • Follow steps 1-3 here. Be sure to make a note of the credentials outputted in step 1.

Once your server is setup, to run the app, log into your server (via Command Prompt or Terminal) using your ssh command e.g.,

ssh  -i your_key.pem

Navigate to the Shiny apps folder:

cd  /srv/shiny-server

Create a new folder for your app (NB. Avoid underscores in app names):

sudo mkdir my-app-name

Go into that folder and create a file for your app (NB. must be called app.R)

cd my-app-name
sudo nano app.R

Load R:

sudo R

Install the SAA:

Please note, it is not technically necessary to use AWS to host your experiment. You could host the application on another server. To do that, you would need to install Shiny Server and NodeJS on your server yourself. For the former, we recommend Anthony Chimiel’s guide.

After this, there would be some other manual steps to take. We have not documented this yet. If you are interested, please raise an issue on Github.